Ladies and Gentlemen:

When Agustín Carstens, general manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), discussed central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) during an October 2020 panel discussion titled “Cross-Border Payments—A Vision for the Future,” Carstens stated that there is no way to know who uses a $100 bill or a 1000-peso bill and then made clear with CBDCs, the central banks will have a complete one-way mirror on our financial lives as well as the ability to enforce policies and rules regarding the who, what, where, and why of our financial transactions.

Carstens’ remarks underscore the importance of taking action against an all-digital financial system. Central bankers want to know your every transaction. In their vision, you will not have any privacy, and your money can be turned on and off. Are you ready for taxation without representation? Who knows how far they plan to take these intentions?

It is time to push back! Start this Friday. Here's how: #cashfriday.

The Solari Team

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