Deep State Tactics 101 Part II with Catherine Austin Fitts : June 06, 2019
“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci
By Catherine Austin Fitts
In our 2018 Annual Wrap Up – The Real Game of Missing Money, I included a personal history to help explain why I am so confident that the excuses used to justify and cover up the missing money are bogus. This history described my experiences dealing with missing money and financial fraud in the U.S. federal government: Missing Money: A Personal History: 1989-2019
In my outline, the last section was going to be a description of the tactics used to slow me down or kill me—both literally and figuratively—in the process. As I finished the 2018 Annual Wrap Up, I concluded that it would be better to record and publish this material as a separate audio.
This series is my download about the tactics I have encountered personally or have observed at close hand. I have experienced a wide spectrum of covert operations, information and economic warfare, and dirty tricks with and from both governmental and private parties. Telling stories is a great way to communicate this experience; however, because stories expand the time necessary to convey the information, I will publish this material in several parts.
Here is my outline for the full series:
I. Introduction II. Solari Report Resources III. Control System Goals IV. Tactics by Areas
A. Faith, Hope, & Love B. Health C. Communication/Surveillance D. Mind Control E. Brand/Prestige F. Media (including Disinformation) G. Control Files H. Personnel Benefits I. Financial J. Legal K. Politics L. Culture & Consumerism M. Cybersecurity N. Covert Operations & Crime O. Targeting of Children P. The Beatdowns: Company, Neighborhood, Cohort
V. Hard Times – My list of the personal worst VI. Helpful Strategies VII. Closing Thoughts
In Part I, I covered I-III and the first two items in Part IV. In Part II, I will cover Communication/Surveillance and Mind Control. Part II includes a significant list of excellent sources to help you understand the invisible control functioning through our communication and information systems, including Solari Reports, documentaries, movies, books, websites and interviews.
Subscribers can e-mail or post questions and story suggestions for Money & Markets for this week here.
See post here.
Upcoming Reports
June 6, 2019 - Deep State Tactics 101: Part II with Catherine Austin Fitts
June 13, 2019 - Opportunity Zones with Patrick Wood
June 20, 2019 - Deep State Tactics 101: Part III with Catherine Austin Fitts
From the Site:
Catherine’s Money & Markets Commentary: June 6, 2019
Hero of the Week: June 6, 2019 – Floyd Martin
Let’s Go to the Movies: June 6, 2019 –Zero Days
Book Review: McCarthy, Monmouth, and the Deep State by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
The Solari Report Twitter Feed
"What immediately struck me in the conversation was Saker’s use of the term ‘the US’ when he means The Deep State, which has become a CIA operation almost exclusively. The psychopaths are not primarily elected nor electors. During the cold war, we were taught that Russians were bad, but I couldn’t buy that (particularly since I had ancestors who spoke that language). I could understand the threat that the Soviet Union represented militarily, but never thought that hundreds of millions should be killed over political theory differences. Additionally, if the US was destroyed in 120 minutes, then the rest of the world is gone in a day or less, so that’s the classic definition of ‘pyrrhic victory.’ Qui bono?
I continue to expect that the Iran dustup is a sideshow in the US-China war of dirty tricks. Besides the weather and cyber attacks, I feel certain the Chinese have a down card on disclosure that the US won’t risk their playing."