"On big screens all over the country, you can put up movies depicting people being torn limb from limb, drowning in their own blood, you can put up movies with panting soft-porn money shots, you can put up movies that blow up half the world; but you can't show a movie that questions the effects of vaccines." ~ Jon Rappoport
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Over the last month, the world has watched as the Wuhan coronavirus and related quarantines, deaths, and travel and trade restrictions have rocked Asia and world relations with China.
I have covered these events in each weekly Money & Markets, and I have encouraged subscribers to read Jon Rappoport's coronovirus coverage. One of my concerns is that these events coincide with unprecedented global pushback by the public against aggressive and unethical efforts to market and mandate vaccines despite rising vaccine injuries and the absence of vaccine safety studies and evidence—all in a manner clearly in violation of the Nuremberg Code. Subscribers asked me to invite Jon back to The Solari Report, so I did!
The challenge of covering epidemics is the same as covering numerous health enigmas in our world. The extraordinary history of falsehoods fronting for multiple political and economic agendas makes it difficult to trust global health care institutions and governments. I believe we have seen biological and chemical warfare portrayed as natural disease. We have seen disease outbreaks sold as terrifying global pandemics that fizzled out quickly after an election was won. We have seen poor sanitation, malnutrition, environmental pollution, and unhealthy living conditions whited out by blaming a "deadly virus" that sells news and creates opportunities for pharmaceutical companies. Governments have poured billions into dirty weapons, including bio and chemical warfare that have the potential to be deadly and dangerous on both a local and global scale. There are now allegations that EMF radiation adds another harmful influence to this disease cocktail. Ascertaining the facts is difficult—and often takes time. In the meantime, whatever the facts of a given health phenomenon, the immediate economic and political implications can be profound.
To appreciate the divergence between reality and official reality when dealing with health crises—and the importance of exercising independent thinking—I asked Jon to join me this week. Jon is the publisher of No More Fake News and has decades of experience covering health as well as epidemics—including SARS, swine flu, Ebola, AIDS, and more. My goal is to help you understand how important it is to ask questions and to beware "solutions"—including the push for vaccine mandates.
Subscribers can e-mail or post questions and story suggestions for Money & Markets for next here.
Talk to you Thursday!